Sunday, September 24, 2006

Back Home Again

Yep, we came back despite rumors to the contrary and perhaps against our will but nun the less we came back. Is this a beautifull sunrise or what! So quiet you could hear a nat fart, we hated to leave but we did.
Don't know much about what is going on around the farm (yet) so only a little gossip to pass along and that would be about the muskrat. If my source is correct, the muskrat dug himself a whole (elsewhere) and crawled into it, we can only hope, any other news will come later or aterbit as we like to say in this neck of the woods.
Marie and I had a most excellent week away and probably more fun than two people, un-chaperoned, should but we didn't get (caught) in any trouble or cause anyone any undo harm or grief (depends at what point you perceive that fun and games turns into harm and grief) and we left all in better condition than we found it!!! We got to visit Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky and I must say we liked Illinois the best and visit we did and return we shall.
Haven't heard anything out of Lori so I am guessing she made it through the week in one piece, the buildings all look intact so that is one plus.
Well, it is Sunday afternoon, a little cool, everyone is presumably home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once least for now.....:)

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Well, a whole lot of something and a little bit of nothing has been going on at the Farm the past few weeks. A little bit of nothing being lunch time and a whole lot of something being the rest of the time, (it made sense to me). Lori and I are still running our selves ragged trying to make the flow go with a rather large surplus of mommies in the barn waiting to receive our attention, although some of them decided to NOT wait and start well, you know, whether we liked it or not but even in those events we were successful in thwarting off the evil loosenpiginbarn demon that we dread so much and make the flow go still a go at least to this point in time. We are maykin baykin big time and running out of places to put it (tell all your friends to say, yum yum gimmy some)! On top of the surplus mommie scenario it is also 4H breeding time which adds a lot more work and a lot more mommies to the mix and even with Steves' help and some new streamlining it is still a little hectic and hopefully worthwhile, but almost over with. Hectic is going to be the key word for Lori next week, not only am I going to be gone the whole week but Steve will be gone Thursday and Friday leaving her in charge on the busiest day of the week. A mommie in charge of all those mommies, isn't that redundant or is it just plain scary, either way if you thought her hair was frizzy now wait till next week!
As you can see by the photo, (that is if you can see a photo, I can, therefore it's there, at least I perceive it to be there so I am telling you to see it so therefore your perception after reading this is that there is a photo so there it is) baby Jonathan got to meet his first ittybittypiggy and I must conclude from the info I received (and the photos) that it was a most excellent meeting and both the pigglet and Baby "J" left grinning from snout to ear. Perhaps another most excellent pork producer is in the works! He also got to spend some quality time with Susan whom (and I have photographic evidence of this) proceeded to teach Baby "J" the proper method of eating the tassels off the rug, yes and now we have one happy baby and a lot of happy friends and in my opinion more babies should be eating tassels off of rugs instead of sterilized junk but that is another story and that is all I have to say about that (for now)!
Onward, or, how do I say this without being perceived as mean or gossiping! How about a short story, a beaver story!
Once upon a time, (now) there was a herd of beavers all working together harmoniously on one of the biggest and bestest dams in the whole daggone state! All the little beavers worked extremely well together and looked out for one another, cause that's what you do in a herd, you take care of each other, and then one day one of the head beavers said,"I think I will hire some extra help to work on the dam, not that we are short of help, but in case we get a sick beaver or one goes missing or we just misplaced one or something". These intentions were all well and good and cool with the herd (cute rime huh) so the head beaver hires what he THOUGHT was another quality beaver. Well, it was only a short time before all the beavers were confused by the new beavers actions, seems he doesn't even act like a good beaver should and as a matter of fact the beavers find out he is not a beaver at all, let alone a good one, but a muskrat in disguise and is actually becoming detrimental to the harmony of the beavers and their dam and one beaver even heard through the grape vine that the muskrat has, how do I say it, ok, GLUE on his big paws and this is not good! Well, needless to say, all the head beavers put there tales together and.........ending yet to be written!
I must go now and prepare for my excursion next week. I had planned to lay by the TV and eat myself into a comma but Marie called me Shamoo the other day (I do like fish) so I guess we will go WALKING (like I don't do enough) in the woods and by the water for a week, can you get a whole ham in a back pack?
But for the time being, everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again....:)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Baby "J"s first John Deere

It's not actually his first John Deere toy just his first "I can ride it and I can push it" John Deere toy and MoM and Dad, it will be quicker than you think and he will be asking to drive the real thing but wait, Dad doesn't have the real thing, he has a.... well, I wont spell it hear so you don't have to say it but it's NOT a John Deere so I guess he will have to come here to the farm to ride a REAL tractor a REAL John Deere...........:)))