If ever there was a week from Hell it was last week. Everything that could go wrong did and we can only hope it is over. It started last Monday with Ronda's daughter being hospitalized with some serious medical problems that has everyone concerned. Let's all keep them in our thoughts and prayers and hope for the best.
Tuesday and Wednesday arrived with the mill trying to sabotage every command given to it almost as if it had a mind of it's own and making Steve lose a few more hairs up there, which is something he really can't afford to do, and the feed company, both by the way, either didn't deliver what we ordered or delivered the wrong order so those two days went to the crapper real fast. Thursday, well Thursday is always a very hectic day to begin with but given the previous days events it actually went rather smooth giving us hope that "Good Friday" would be a short day and we could all go home early and relax in Lu of the Easter weekend coming up, but it was not to be. Kim's family started flying in Friday morning for the Easter weekend. One didn't show up at the airport and missed his flight but couldn't be reached anywhere which kinda put a damper on the get together. But instead of helping track him down he had to spend the day with us digging pigs out of a pit. Yep, 51 was our count. They, for what ever the reason, decided to go "poopa-diving" and the only way for them to get out of there is for us to go in after them and literally drag them out one at a time. It's one of those times when you say to yourself, self... what the hell am I farming for?? But then it's over and you are back to reality and you remember it's because you love it so much and you get a charge from that feeling of everyone coming together the way we did under some very unappealing conditions to achieve a common goal, and we did it extremely well if I say so myself!! I would like to thank Terry, Randy, Kim, Eric and Lori for their participation in completing a most horrible task that we need to vow is never repeated, and I vow there are no better friends and co-workers anywhere, you are the best!
Well, Saturday is almost over and to this point in time everything is going pretty smooth and to the best of my knowledge everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again...........:))))