This is Liz. Not only is she Lana's sister, as you can see, she is her neighbor also. And like her sister she also has had a most excellent litter of lill red babies with some most excellent potential champions. (read that twice) There were roughly 25 pigs between them so a few are "eating out" so to speak to make room for the others and so all lill bellies get full of milk but sooner or later they will be reunited, you might say a "reed-union"!!!
Got a call from Lori about an hour ago with some questions about a heater, her weekend and it ain't working right but we gotter goin. Yes the photo of the flood is in the past and now we are dealing with a little snow, -5 temperatures and -20 wind chills, go figure. As of the time of this post to my knowledge nothing is froze beyond repair or reheating but the day is young.
I think we are going to venture out again to test our metal and see what is going on so I must go get my insulation on, which as I get older seems to take longer and require more items to do the job that only a few used to do, and then out we will go.
For now all is functioning normally, all are warm and cozy and all is well on the farm once again.