Sunday, September 21, 2008

Things are starting to come together, as you can see, and if I am not mistaken the bin dudes are supposed to be here tomorrow and it looks like they should have a great week weather wise to get bin putter upper stuff done. No rain forecast through next weekend (that's actually not good news). The grain dump trough sitting in front of the dryer that Randy and Jerry (the sleepy one) have been welding on for a few weeks, at the time of this post is a very red primer color as Randy was applying it when I left him earlier so as it is normally in the field, the green tractors will have something red to drive all over, but that is nothing unusual.........
To quote Arnold......."I'll be back................:)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hay Day at Snyder Family Farms........

It was not only a day to get the hay in but another chance to pass on some experience to the next generation of Snyders (Baby J) and share some quality time in the process. Jonathan looks like he is having a great time, despite the work, but he always has fun whatever he does on the farm as long as he is doing it with Dad. The only thing left to do is help Grandpa find the next windrow......(a deere drives funny when you hook it to a red piece of)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Blackeyed Susan Lover........

I guess I am not the only one that loves these flowers. It almost looks like a fly on steroids or maybe a mutant ninja fly, either way, it is obviously still hungry........
Actually it is a Snowberry Clearwing Hummingbird

Thursday, September 11, 2008


FAST is not the word for how she has grown, course everything here on the farm grows exceptionally well...:)
As you can see, there are no sticks in the yard, she eats them, (actually just chews them to dust) so the yard is clean for throwing toys......
She is almost done growing and I am sure Heidi will appreciate that, although she is not afraid to take her on.........:)


Randy being the one working, he does kinda remind you of the energizer bunny don't he, (cause of the ears) and it appears he woke Jerry up just in time for him to have a gulp from his jug of "Shade-tea" (shouldn't that be spelled shady) any way, I believe they are about ready for the Bin puter upper dudes to come and puter up the bin (hope so, corns about ready)..........


Monday, September 08, 2008

New Sunflower

FINALLY...the first blooms of the season for the perennial Sunflowers we planted....
They appear to be sweet tasting, at least to the hummers......