Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Baby Update.......

This is Logan Matthew, the brand new baby son of Joey and Heather Burke born Thursday July 23 at 7:00 P.M. weighing in at 8 pounds and 13 ounces and 19 inches in length. Logan has had some rather serious complications to this point. Heather is being released today, Logan is off oxygen and is no longer has an IV. His "Billy Ruben" number (Jaundice) is high for his age so if it
goes down or stabilizes the he might get to come home tomorrow (Monday). If this number continues to go up he may be transferred to Indy.
Let's all keep Joey and family in our prayers and be there if he needs us, good luck kids......

Friday, July 17, 2009

Visit With Our New Mom.......

Marie and I were able to visit with Lori, Eric, Jonathan and of course Ruby Ann today and as you can see Lori and Ruby looked just fine, happy and sleepy, you decide which is which, she has Lori's face and Eric's hair (after looking at his head I think all ) Eric looked tired and hungry and Jonathan was, well, just a proud big brother and full of energy as always. They all expect to be home sometime Sunday if all goes well and I am sure it will, so you can send them your best wishes there. I have closeups of Ruby but you can see them quicker on the hospital web site. They did get the flowers from the farm so the room didn't smell like baby, well you know.......:)
P.S. Lori was in the new birthing center and the rooms were really the babies goo goo gaa gaa......:)))

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Baby.....

We would like you to meet Ruby Ann Snyder, the brand new baby daughter of Eric & Lori &, new baby sister of Jonathan Snyder a most proud little brother whom by the way said if it wasn't a girl he would send it back!!! She was born at 8:12 this morning weighing in at 7 pounds 12 ounces, was 19 and one half inches long, and extremely hungry (like mommy) !!!!
All are doing fine and expected to go home in a couple of days......
CONGRATULATIONS KIDS, All here at the farm wish you nothing but the best.......:)