Thursday, May 11, 2006


Today was just a wanna crawl up on a big pile of fodder under a overhang and go to sleep kinda day, all rainy and cool and just plain yukky, well, at least on the outside. On the inside it was another bright and smiley day for us and all the little piggies, the big ones just wanted to lay around and sleep and the mommies just wanted to lay around and have piggies, and lucky for us they didn't do that until we made room for them in the farrowing house, which is COOKIN by the way, we R "MaykinBaykin" ya, you read what I said.....(for the record I CAN spell and there IS a spell checker on this thing) so it was another good day,week,month, for us little worker buzz, and all the little piggies too.
I was looking forward to a nice weekend to do some outdoor stuff but I don't think that is going to happen. It would have been nice for Lori and family who is planning on visiting the zoo in Indy on Saturday. I think Lori likes Dolphins (she always seemed a little fishy to me) and there is a possible future family member (sisters boyfriend) who works at the zoo and he is going to get her and Jonathan and Eric up close and personal to the Dolphins....I sure hope she doesn't come back with one of those breathing holes in the top of her head like the Dolphins have, I think enough stuff gets out through her ears now.
With that I will shut up. All in all it was a good day despite the weather. Another day has come and gone, everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again............:)

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