Friday, July 07, 2006

Week Is Over......

Yep, it's over again and the weekend is here..kinda redundant isn't it, weekend, week is over, oh well, what do I know... Thursday went well, even with the visit from the Vet who thought only a few minor adjustments needed to be made, and all was accomplished in a timely fashion as usual. What a load.... Lori and me's lucky streak in regards to our flow-go was broken by a mommie who obviously didn't set her clock back an hour and wound up on Southern Wrong Gestation Time and started, well you know, right in the middle of everybody and everything....lucky for us her starter was stuck in start and we moved her into the correct time zone and more suitable accommodations where she proceeded to have 11 well, you know, and we were as happy as two bugs on a bean....Randy did get to shower in and walk through with the Vet and even see the new feed system, I think he should do that more often....(I mean shower)....:)
Well, if you look back through the archives you will find a photo of "JJ", our new teaser boar to be, that Lori adopted a while back. We finally got to introduce him to his "harem" today and he was impressed with them and they were pleased with him!!
I hope he doesn't get on the computer and read this it will give him a big laugh...
yes, I know what you are thinking, a pig on a computer and yes we encourage them not to for safety reasons, but it happens, they do get online, cause you never know what a hog will do when it gets "boared"...
Yep, I'm done...the Sun is fading, everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again....:)

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