Sunday, September 24, 2006

Back Home Again

Yep, we came back despite rumors to the contrary and perhaps against our will but nun the less we came back. Is this a beautifull sunrise or what! So quiet you could hear a nat fart, we hated to leave but we did.
Don't know much about what is going on around the farm (yet) so only a little gossip to pass along and that would be about the muskrat. If my source is correct, the muskrat dug himself a whole (elsewhere) and crawled into it, we can only hope, any other news will come later or aterbit as we like to say in this neck of the woods.
Marie and I had a most excellent week away and probably more fun than two people, un-chaperoned, should but we didn't get (caught) in any trouble or cause anyone any undo harm or grief (depends at what point you perceive that fun and games turns into harm and grief) and we left all in better condition than we found it!!! We got to visit Illinois, Ohio, and Kentucky and I must say we liked Illinois the best and visit we did and return we shall.
Haven't heard anything out of Lori so I am guessing she made it through the week in one piece, the buildings all look intact so that is one plus.
Well, it is Sunday afternoon, a little cool, everyone is presumably home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once least for now.....:)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a great time - the piggies were lonely.

Anonymous said...

great photo..looks like a magical place