Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm back........

Well, it is dark, I can not do lights in the dark, do I look like a bat...(don't ask Marie that) and is that a statement or what "I can't do lights in the dark" but can I do dark in the light, go figure.......
Well, things have been a little, how do I say it, screwed up here lately. A lot of trouble with the curtain machines, mill, winterizing underway and today I had to go help get the water switched to one well cause the other died in the night leaving the sows without water. No worries but a headache nun the less. It just seems like when you get one thing fixed something else breaks or goes on furlow (that means not working). Harvest got kinda backed up but I think they are going full bore again so that is good. I don't believe this but I am being summoned again, yep, I'm a popular guy...... of now, all are tucked in for the day (anxiously awaiting work in the am) and all is well on the farm once again..:)


Anonymous said...

I miss the photos - the links must be broken :-<

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. Seems things are always breaking down on the farm and never at a convenient time either.