Thursday, March 15, 2007

Interesting Week......

This is one of a thousand photos Marie and I took on our most excellent 10 year anniversary trip. We headed to Tennessee where we played in the mountains, and the valleys, for a week and we really had, as far as we are concerned, the best vacation we have ever had(thanks to the farm)!!! It is really a different world down there. Everyone and everything revolves around the tourist (that was us) and there is more to see and do than can be seen and done (cute huh) in a week so you (we) have to go back hopefully again and again. So, coming back to work after a week like that was to say the least different. The photo is a view from our room and that was really nice to wake up to every morning....:)
Today was Thursday and you know what that means, weaning day. Everything went rather smooth in that respect but Lori and I have done a little better job of getting enough sows bred than we should have and now our surplus has turned into a serious situation ( for you previous readers that means our goflow has turned into a great big flood) at least it was yesterday but we think we see the light (I hope it's not the wrong one) at the end of the tunnel. Yesterday we had 15 sows waiting to get in and due today. That doesn't sound too bad until you understand that those 15 and 13 more will fill the room we are washing. Good you say, but not so good when you realize that there are now 23 left with now where to put them and their due date is next Wednesday, bad you say, but not really cause we can usually make it work with a lot of running and moving and sorting, so good you say, but not so good when you have so many due so close!! Bad you say, but not really cause we got another room rented today and we will be moving them in shortly!! Good you say and we would agree....:) It sounds a little complicated but it really is.
We like to call it Maykinbaykin x 2!!!
That was pretty much the yukky part of the week, Eric and Lori had to go to the state house (no capital letters tee hee) to rub elbows with some of our elected idiots, Randy and Terry are getting planting in gear, Ronda is working on her Perry Mason imitation(jury duty), nobody knows where Lee is at any given time, and the rest of us are just maykinbaykin like a big dog, fast and lots of it and not only lots but the best money can buy to boot!!!
Well, Thursday went rather well for a Thursday and we got all the mommies in without a, you know, and for that we are thankful, and at this point in time everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again.....:)

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