Well, it's Thursday again but it's been a rather pleasant Thursday at least as pleasant as a Thursday can be, that is if it is possible for their to be such a thing as a pleasant Thursday, which I think there is but given the fact that Thursday is a very hectic and "run yer butt off" kinda day and you really wouldn't consider that to be very pleasant, but it has been a very pleasant Thursday!!!! We got all the mommies moved, all the little piggies moved, and all the little turds washed away, and all the mommies that were waiting on us washed and put away. Steve got all the feed ground and put away plus hiring a new employee (hopefully for more than 8 hours) but Eric worked on a heater all afternoon and still couldn't get it to do squat, what's up with that, messed up our whole ora thing we had going on but it was still a pleasant Thursday(did I say that already).
As you can see in the photo Terry fired up one of the irrigators today cause we haven't had enough rain in the past 3 weeks to wash the dust off a gnats butt and the corn is getting a little thirsty. Hopefully this dry spell will be over soon (we got a lot of dirty gnat butts around here) and we won't have to spend as much time watering this and that and just about everything, it's been especially rough on the new plantings.
I am going to go water some dry stuff (me) so I will take my leave, or leave my take, kinda confussing, I can't leave without taking everything...although I do kinda leave my butt behind!!
Sorry..........the day is finally winding down and everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again...........:)
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