Monday, April 21, 2008

Tulips have begun........

Ok, it looks like something from Star Wars but it's not, it's just a REALLY close shot of a Tulip opening up.......just wait till I find a worm.......:)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

After the Quake.....

Ok, this is a photo taken AFTER the earthquake!!! Yep, I said EARTHQUAKE and I'm not kidding! It happened Friday morning a little after 5 and it is one of those things that makes you second guess what you are doing or feeling and say to your self, self....what the heck was that???? Is it storming, thunder, big truck, flock of sows broke loose and are out for revenge, you know, sow stampede.....a low flying aircraft, the bean burritos chili and deviled egg monster you ingested about to rear it's ugly head and make for the exit, or are you just a little ditsy and having more trouble standing this morning than usual, I mean come on, earthquake, Indiana, no way....YES WAY.......but lucky for us it was short lived and caused no damage, at least not around here.

The week ended rather well, including the earthquake, and even Thursday was another smooth day. We have had the sows under control for the past couple of weeks but I am not sure how long that will hold. Randy did stop in yesterday and show me the new rear mounted mowing deck for the new Deere and it looks like a winner. It is about to become the replacement for the 855 which has served the farm for many years and is soon to retire, unless it is swallowed up by and earthquake.......

Well, it is too nice to be in here so out I will is sunny and warm, all are hopefully out playing and all is well on the farm once again........:)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


See what Marie and I found in Kim and Susan's yard this afternoon.....she is already giving Heidi a run for her money in the tug the rope contest and I am sure it won't be long before she can out do her as fast as she is growing....:))

Oh, she likes to lick the inside of Mountain Dew bottles too.....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Family Photo....

OK Debbie, I'll bet I got this photo before you did, well, maybe not but just in case I did here it is for you and all to see!!!

If my hearing is ok....what....then I heard right and this is a photo for the church registry or a mug shot for the "all you can eat" restaurants as families NOT to serve.....

If memory serves me correctly (ya'll can chime in too if you want) but when Eric left here he had a whole lot more hair than we see here......

Maybe Jonathan has "inHAIRited" it......sometimes I just crack me up.......:)))

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

More "Buzz".........

Just another Bee photo and the farm is covered with them. Marie says they are attracted to the farm cause we all are so sweet.....but then again, she also said the little yellow nodules on the legs were winter bootys they haven't completely shed ed yet.....yep, I stood right there and said "I do".....go figure..........:)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The "Buzzzzzz"..............

Well, these little guys think Spring is here, as do a few flowers, and finally the temps are heading in the right direction, 50s today, 60s tomorrow although I still had frost on the deck this morning the sun came out and warmed things up rather nicely.
The week went rather well ending on a wet and dreary Friday (for some) but end it did and no employees were harmed in the ending of the week, all just went home weary and wet (sounds like a beaver and the whole damm thing) but fit to work another day.
Thursday went off without a hitch again and that is begining to bother me. I have a feeling our luck is running out so to speak, too many good days in a row usually spells trouble at some point. We had 9 mommies waiting at the door and they all held their, well you know, untill we were ready for them and that is just too good to last but we will take it if we can get it.......
It is Saturday afternoon and the sun is shining big time, the air is rather warm, all are out playing or trying to and all is well on the farm once again.........