Saturday, April 05, 2008

The "Buzzzzzz"..............

Well, these little guys think Spring is here, as do a few flowers, and finally the temps are heading in the right direction, 50s today, 60s tomorrow although I still had frost on the deck this morning the sun came out and warmed things up rather nicely.
The week went rather well ending on a wet and dreary Friday (for some) but end it did and no employees were harmed in the ending of the week, all just went home weary and wet (sounds like a beaver and the whole damm thing) but fit to work another day.
Thursday went off without a hitch again and that is begining to bother me. I have a feeling our luck is running out so to speak, too many good days in a row usually spells trouble at some point. We had 9 mommies waiting at the door and they all held their, well you know, untill we were ready for them and that is just too good to last but we will take it if we can get it.......
It is Saturday afternoon and the sun is shining big time, the air is rather warm, all are out playing or trying to and all is well on the farm once again.........

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