Thursday, May 22, 2008

BRING THE HEAT..........

This field has got to be pushing a mile in length and if you look real close at the photo, on the right next to the woods, you will see the planter. Yep, Terry is puttin em in the ground, beans that is, but if we don't get some warmth they ain't gonna grow much. It is just too darn cold for anything to grow, even me, but somehow I have managed, but we need some above 50 degree nights to get things cooking and so far we haven't had it.
Today is Thursday and that means weaning day and it went as well as it could given our sows are all a little under the weather but I did see some signs of improvement as I walked amongst them (that sounds so profound, I like it, I'll have to be amongst more often, but shouldn't it be spelled amonkst..go figure) this morning at chore time. Mostly the day has been pretty smooth and lucky for us rather uneventfull (my word) but finally over. I have a date with the TV so I will take my leave of .....what ever.... and be gone...but most are home and relaxing at the end of the day and all is well on the farm once again........:)

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