Thursday, July 03, 2008

Thursday and stuff.........

As you can see, old stuff coming down and new stuff soon to be going up but they only just got started and it rained all stinking day so new stuff is waiting........

Yes Thursday was a dreary day inside and out and it didn't make any difference where we were today we were wet!!! We got everything accomplished, as usual, despite Steve's absence, which actually was a pleasure rather than a hindrance, and even managed to get some extras done and squeaked by getting sows in before they, u-know, in the Gestation barn.

Marie and Ronda got a lot of photos of the leg coming down so more will be available soon but nothing is happening now so ain't no new photos so you will have to wait....

I have to go and try to figure out a way to keep this bird from using my jeep as a porta potty so I will be gone.......for now all are home looking for food (except Steve who is out of state) and a soft chair and all is well on the farm once again..........:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics Bill. quite a site in the barn yard!