Friday, October 16, 2009

Just Ramblin.....

Yes I found a better mouse trap. Trouble is, way too much clean up to do plus I still have to feed the cat, but he CAN reload without me.
As of next Monday, I will be half way through my radiation and chemo treatments. To this point I think I am doing OK with the side effects although I am almost hairless and just about finished ingesting food except through a peg tube which kinda takes all the fun out of it if you know what I mean. The nausea and the ulcers and extreme burning in the throat is the worst, the fatigue is just a given. Hopefully a big mac and fries are only a few months away!!!
Well, the flu is starting to rare it's ugly head along with strep throat and maybe a little laryngitis, that appears to be what Lori has had. A few others have shown signs of strep throat but no flu like fevers yet......
I am hoping for a big warm up next week so the boys can get back to beans but the weather man says we could see some snow flakes Saturday night, go figure.....
Chase pulled in South Dakota and took 8th place out of 33 in his class, WAY TO GO CHASE, what a great run you have had, next year is only a few monts away so get ready. Had to be a most excellent trip for all, Andy and Stacy even managed to run into some old friends they hadn't seen in years, a win win trip if you ask me.....
It has to be nap time or at least ralax time so I will......:)))

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