Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is here.....

Well, it has been a most excellent day here on the farm, for me anyway I didn't check with anyone else. I made a trip to see my radiation doctor today and some prolonged checking of my vitals and asking questions he painstakingly shoved what felt like a movie projector up my nose and down the back of my throat. After some hummmms and oksss, he tells me he sees no sign of a tumor and everything looks okee dokee. To say the least, I was elated. I do have to go back in Feb. for and MRI and CT scan for further confirmation but the prognosis is excellent!!!! LONG LIVE THE DOC!!!
The photo is another, and most definitely one of the best, Christmas gifts from Kim and Susan. You can see there are babies abound and all look very happy and content.
May you all have the most wonderful Christmas ever......till next year.....:)

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