Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yes it is "T" day.........

Lori and I had to boogie today. Our help decided his sniffles were more important than work so we were left to do it all ourselves but we ARE the "A" team after all no job too big or crate too tall make a long load short we "Got r done"
Although a few times I thought I saw two Loris cause she was moving so fast. All the little piggies are snuggling in new beds with visions of corn dogs dancing in their heads and we had to move in some new mommies tonight cause the little baby piggies lease on their "woomb" was up TODAY (get it, woomb) and we didn't want them being evicted (ejected) in the gestation barn where they would have been cold and alone and couldn't find their mums (we have some around our deck, they are yellow) and that would be unacceptable.
I think Randy was bitten by the March madness bug. He started out to fill a few pot holes in the driveway and at last count (my count) there has been 14 dump trucks in and out of about getting stoned......if we laid these stones end to end they would reach a long ways .......
Well, despite me and my thoughts, everything is in it's place and put away for the day and all is well on the farm once again...........:)

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