Thursday, April 06, 2006

Today is Thursday.......

All in all it was a most excellent weaning day. We tried to move all the little piggies and they resisted, of course, that is what they are supposed to do. When you try to make kids do what they don't want to do they resist, but it is irrelevant cause we always win, and this kind of child/adult conflict could be useful to Lori who is raising a child of her own. But she is doing a fine job, Eric is behaving rather well we think.
Washed through lunch to get the room done cause mommies were knocking at the door and luckily they all waited till there room was ready so there was no unexpected deliveries in the barn today. Although there was an unexpected delivery in the pocket of one of our hallway curtains the other day. A mother coon decided to start having her young there which was fine until the curtain was raised and dropped her on her head making her seek other accommodations.
But the day is over, everything and everyone is tucked in and cozy, and all is well on the farm once again......:)
P.S. Remember to make fun of Steve for getting the truck and trailer stuck today...Terry had to pull him out with the tractor........:)

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