Sunday, January 21, 2007


This is a photo of what was going on yesterday, as you can see, it was a beautifull day to work. Today, however, is a different story. It is snowing blowing and even a little freezing drizzle, go figure, hey, this is Indiana, if you don't like the weather stick around an hour and it will change...:)
I can't real attest to what went on at the farm last week cause my body had made plans for me not to be there but had failed to mention them to me until the last minute which by that time had changed from a casual mention to a full blown protest in other words "if you go to work you will die" kinda thing so needless to say I said okee dokee and went to the hospital emergency room where they said "dude, your whole gastrointestinal system is full of infection and has shut down, we think that little thingy on your right side has gotten sick and died, we gotta get that outta there" dude, hence the emergency appendectomy! The infection made the hospital stay longer and I am still on antibiotics and a lot of pain from the swelling but it will pass..(get it, swelling, pass, gas) Made a lot of new friends in the hospital, the last time I was there they were all very well poised professionals, now they seem to be more relaxed "care givers" and it suits them a whole lot better, I tried being professional once and I still went home with the same stain in my shorts they just cost 5 times as much....:)
Again, I would like to thank everyone at the farm (and a special thanks to Ronda) for all your thoughts and prayers and visits. It does speed the healing and makes the coming home a wondrous occasion (that's yee-ha for all you country folk) we love you one and all.
The only other spectacular news I have is that Eric and Lori (possibly the new "Snyder Family Pork") was given the go ahead by the zoning board on their quest to be family farmers in their community and we all wish them nothing but the best in the future!
Well, I have been up and down from this chair 20 times so I will rap this up for now. From what I can see everything has been taken care of, all are home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again...........:)

1 comment:

Fairholme Farms said...

Amen to ALL of that Bill! Welcome back.