This is a photo taken in Dec. 2004. It was a pretty big snow storm, made a heck of a mess, nothing close to that last year, this year we have tulips 6" tall in the flower beds, that's not good at all, I don't know where winter is....YET!
Well 2006 is gone and a new year has begun. I hope everyone has made their resolution. Mine is to not make a resolution and just do the best I can and everything will resolve itself!!! Is that profound or what, I am just beside myself.
To recap December a little, the Christmas/Anniversary party at the cabin was a HUGE success, more friends, family and neighbors than you could shake a stick at and the food was sensational and the decorations were sensational and the atmosphere was truly a family affair. Thanks Kim and Susan, you really know how to throw a whing ding (that's party for you city folk)! Hopefully it will become part of the farms tradition cause it's a great way to keep the neighbors involved with the farm and our ta doos (that's business for you city folk)...:)
Shortly after Christmas, everybody but Marie and I shot off (like bang, they were gone) in all different directions for a little R&R (that's rest and recovery for you unknowing folks) Kim and Susan went West, Ronda on a plane to do the hula hoop, Randy to Fuji, wait that's a camera, maybe Fooge or maybe North Carolina, well, somebeach somewhere and Terry to the sunshine state (any but this one) and the rest stayed here with us and along with the pigs contracted the was more of a stomach flu, you know with the up....never mind. A bad time was had by all, but it is over now.
Of more recent events, Purdue has spent most of last week here (they say we are the best teaching farm they have, ooora.) and intend on coming back next week so that is keeping us busy, not that we are not already, it just adds to the mix. They are an interesting group to say the least, and it is always very gratifying when us old farm kids can teach these professors a few things they didn't have a clue about.......:) This week is almost over and if nothing else has happened at least the 4-H pigs have started arriving (in rather large numbers) and at this point in time are looking rather well. Wilma had a great litter of Duroc barrows and is still nursing 11 which 9 are probably Grand Champions (dream I had) and if I am not mistaken, there was a high priced boar that we are the only ones to have a sow bred to him stick (that's conceive for you sity folk) so that could be a SUPER bonus so we need everyone to keep their fingers and toes crossed....:)
Well, it is getting late for me, I have to start a fast for DOCTOR tests, yuk so the day is almost over. It's cold, rainy and just plain yukky but everyone is home and tucked in for the day and all is well on the farm once again...........:)
P.S. Make sure when you see Lee Monday you wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, today he is, well it is his Birthday, he can tell you how YOUNG he is....Rock On "Masta Lee" UR#1.....
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