Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's Later.......

Well, I don't much like this weather but what can you do.....and here I thought spring was just around the corner yesterday when I saw Randy outside with his hood down.....

unbelievable, he never takes it down....I thought for the longest time that he was studying to be a "Boooist", you know, one of those guys that wears the long thingies with the hood up all the time that tap you on the shoulder when you don't know they are there and when you turn they go "Booo", a Boooist.....

Well, Thursday is over and it ended very well for a Thursday. All the sows that were due were not exactly due for immediate accommodations so we had a little breathing room for a change. Spent most of the last three days repairing water lines and feed systems but those are coming along okee dokee so the piggies weaned in record time again and no employees were harmed in the making of the the room washed and all the mommies moved in and awaiting, well you know, and the day ended as smoothly as it began so all that's left to do is await the snow storm.

It is getting dark and cold but all are home and tucked in for the day, and all is well on the farm once again.........:)

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