Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring what,when,now.......

I can almost smell the phlox in the photo and according to the calendar Spring started Thursday morning but according to the weatherman it is still winter with snow forecast for Saturday and Easter Sunday, go figure.
Thursday was not only the first day of Spring but also another weaning day so we "Sprang" into action and moved all the little piggies into their new homes and got the old one washed and freshened up for the new pigs in town and all went extremely well for a Thursday even though we were sweating bullets (more like milk duds, we had been into the chocolate) over the sows even having Dustin doing a routine run to gestation to make sure there were no sows doing, well you know, in the barn, we got all moved into their nice clean rooms and all caught up for another few days!!!!
GOOD FRIDAY turned out to be a rather pleasant day work wise, with Andy, Lori and I taking care of things and the Gremlins failed to rear their ugly little heads and kick us in the, well you know, like last year so it was a two day in a row good deal kinda thing and we can only hope it is a trend or something like that or a sign of things to be or just a coincidence kinda thing but it was very welcome in case I didn't make that plain enough or clear or something like that......
This is another year that I will dawn my Easter long johns and Bunny snow boots instead of an Easter bonnet (I really could use one, cause I bent down in some tall grass last year to tie my shoe and one of the kids thought they had found the worlds biggest Easter egg (with ears) or something) I can't win, but despite the weather everyone will have a most excellent Easter Sunday with family.........
It is getting late in the day and all my little critter friends are snoozing away comfortably with their little tummy's full, everyone is home preparing for Sunday and all is well on the farm once again............:)

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